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Matters of Authority

This lesson starts with a simple question: "Who knows the most about (topic of your choice)?" In my experience doing this lesson with first year students, a majority of students will identify personal experience as knowing the "most" at the outset. It is common for them to say something along the lines of: No one understands what it’s like to be homeless more than someone who has been through it. Starting from that firm conviction, this lesson is designed to help students think about different ways of “knowing” and what secondary sources (particularly scholarly) are able to accomplish in providing analysis, context, and scope. Learning outcomes: Students will be able to articulate multiple ways in which authority can be ascribed [Authority is Constructed and Contextual]Students will be able to identify primary and secondary sources / scholarly and popular sources and how they are linked to each other [Scholarship is Conversation]Students will seek a variety of source formats and perspectives in their own work [Information has value]

Resource Type(s):

License Assigned: 
All Rights Reserved

Fake News: Fight Back

A one-shot or seminar class on fake news tied to source evaluation. Examination of the factors at play in the creation of misinformation; insight into how to select sources; tools and strategies for evalutating content of stories, authors, and news outlets.

Resource Type(s):

License Assigned: 
All Rights Reserved

Foutaisomètre / Bullshit-o-meter

Comme une fiche-synthèse à remettre à la fin d'un atelier sur l'évaluation des sources. Encore mieux : dans l'atelier, insérez volontairement une erreur et en début d'atelier demandez aux étudiants de la repérer. À la fin de l'atelier, remettez la seule fiche-synthèse plastifiée au participant qui l'a trouvé en premier, les autres participants ont la version papier simple.Peut servir à évaluer le document le plus faible parmi la bibliographie d'un travail, d'un mémoire, d'une thèse; ou dans le syllabus d'un professeur ; ou dans la bibliographie d'une source (article ou livre).Gamified summary for the evaluation of sources activity. A laminated copy could be used as award for the first student who discovers the mistake deliberately put in the learning activity; the other participants only get a paper copy of the sheet. Another use : in a list of bibliographic references, find the weakest one.
Not Discipline Specific
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution License CC-BY

Missionner les étudiants surmotivés sur des objectifs connexes / Self-driven side-quests with minimum mentoring

Comment envoyer une minorité d'étudiants surmotivés sur des objectifs pédagogiques intégrés et connexes dont le parcours est structuré ?1) Faire une courte introduction engageante (15min.) 2) Identifier la minorité surmotivée et leur distribuer un parcours. 3) Assurer une supervision mininal avec un suivi distant et ponctuel au besoin.Avec 2 exemples de parcours: une auto-initiation en 5 niveaux pour contribuer à Wikipédia; et un programme de 12 semaines pour démarrer un blogue sur un sujet de recherche.How to get the few really motivated students involved? By asking them to fulfil « side-quests » learning activities in a structured itinerary : 1) Present a short but engaging initiation [sur quoi?] (15 min.) ;2) After identifying the motivated students, give them a formal checklist [pour quoi?];3) If needed, provide minimum mentoring and follow-upHere are two examples : 5-steps self-initiation on how to contribute to Wikipedia and 12-weeks program to start a blog on research topic.
Not Discipline Specific
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution License CC-BY

Feuille de personnage du jeune chercheur / Scholarly character sheet

Une feuille d'autoévaluation pour suivre les apprentissages en compétences informationnelles acquises sur le moyen ou le long terme. Elle est ludifiée avec des éléments de mesure de soi, de badge et d'identité de jeune chercheur.A scholarly character sheet for self-assessment about information literacy skills - gamification around quantified self, badging and young researcher identity.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Not Discipline Specific
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution License CC-BY


Authority Is Constructed and Contextual Prezi

A Star Wars themed look at the Authority is Constructed and Contextual frame, originally used for a staff training event. 

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Not Discipline Specific
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution License CC-BY

ZotLog: Inspiring students to adopt structured methods in Zotero

The purpose of this activity is to inspire students to adopt structured methods when they explore and retrieve information. It is based on lab notebooking methods and on managing and documenting the flow of references in Zotero, a reference management software.The first principle is based on a tree of collections to manage the references arriving in the Zotero library. Some basic methods are suggested and the students are invited to create their own. The second principle is based on standalone notes to document all the research process through online database, libraries and experts.

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Not Discipline Specific

Type of Institution:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution License CC-BY
