Information Has Value

Anticipating a Post-Disaster Supply Chain Disruption

Disasters, natural or manmade, disrupt society and can expose people to public health emergencies. In preparation for impending natural disasters, national agencies, such as the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will situate supplies (emergency food and rations) close enough to locations facing potential impacts but farenough away not to be compromised in a disaster area. However, these are emergency supplies and are not designed to meet long-term needs or the needs of specific individuals. Private businesses within the disaster zone can also experience supply chain disruptions and thus also need to prepare in advance. This book chapter reviews the topic of disasters and their impact on supply chains, then presents a lesson using GIS to anticipate and address a supply chain disruption, using a Florida hurricane as a case study.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITYThrough a scenario of pre-natural disaster (hurricane) and using the information given related to distribution centers and retail stores, students will use GIS software to identify the distribution centers best fit to deliver the items needed in anticipation of a hurricane.LEARNING OUTCOMESBy the end of this lesson, students will be able to• recognize the importance of supply chain within retail contexts;• articulate the connection between supply chains and natural disaster preparedness;• utilize GIS tools to solve potential problems in real scenarios; and• propose optimal routes for distributing critical items using GIS tools within imminent natural disaster scenarios.This activity is part of Spatial Literacy in Public Health: Faculty-Librarian Teaching Collaborations (ACRL, 2024).
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA

Library Research Practice :-) It's like going on a journey!

Ready-made Canvas Module that explores one way of introducing students to the research process, providing them with the opportunity to practice planning and executing their research. Note: the last video will not show up because it is specific and accessible only to my institution. But it's just a 5-min library orientation video. Feel free to use/substitute a similar type of video that covers your library!  Approx. Completion Time: ~45 min Help with importing objects from Canvas Commons:
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All Rights Reserved

AI Literacy Workshop: Evaluation and Detection Tools

Texas Tech University Library’s AI Literacy workshop series developed weekly for spring 2024. Included here are materials related to part 2. This resource can be used as a general starting point for evaluating generative AI.Additionally, the workshop utilizes Padlet to facilitate discussion for active learning. Sessions can be held online, in-person, or hybrid. These sessions are also for broad appeal, and included faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students in attendance. The Padlets for this session included an evaluative Jeopardy-like game where participants could rate whether they felt a piece of media (text or image) was AI generated or "real," ie, human-made.Learning objectives for this session included:Utilize AI detection tools for their courses.Understand current Texas Tech policies related to AI use in the classroom and within research.Understand other ways of evaluating AI created materials. This resource drew on different aspects within the ACRL Framework, including Searching as Strategic Exploration.Included in the documentation is an outline with discussion questions. There are no slides for this workshop. 

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License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NoDerivs License CC-BY-ND

Hidden Layer: Intellectual Privacy and Generative AI

The Hidden Layer Workshop introduces key generative AI (genAI) concepts through a privacy lens. Participants probe the possibilities and limitations of genAI while considering implications for intellectual privacy, intellectual property, data sovereignty, and human agency. An original PROMPT Design Framework and worksheet guide participants through the iterative process of prompting generative AI to optimize output by specifying Persona, Requirements, Organization, Medium, Purpose, and Tone. In the centerpiece activity, participants engage in a hidden layer simulation to develop a conceptual understanding of the algorithms in the neural networks underlying LLMs and their implications for machine bias and AI hallucination. Drawing on Richards’s theory of intellectual privacy (2015) and the movement for data sovereignty, and introducing an original framework for the ethical evaluation of AI, Hidden Layer prepares participants to be critical users of genAI and synthetic media.The workshop is designed for a 60-minute session, but can be extended to fill the time available.Includes workshop guide, presentation slides, learning activities, and assessment instrument.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA

Vetting ChatGPT sources

Vetting Sources:An exercise that teaches ChatGPT’s limitations. This exercise empowers students to verify the information AI generates, fostering responsible AI use.Ask ChatGPT to generate a list of 4 academic sources on a topic of your choice, and then evaluate the credibility and usability of those sources.Now answer:What is the topic you chose?What 4 citations were generated? (Paste the citations here)THEN complete the following:1. Are the citations actually real? Does such a journal/website/book exist? State which are not real and which are real. State whether any website used in a real citation where you found it is credible and why.2. State where those specific real citations are available full-text (check our library databses too). List the names of the places you found them (for example, name of such-and-such webite, name of database , etc...).3. Check the credentials of the lead author by doing a google search of their name in quotes. Are they trained in the field of the topic? State their credentials and/or academic degrees.4. Now run their name (in quotemarks) in a library database (like ProQuest or Ebscohost), use a drop down to search for AUTHOR - do they appear? IF YES, What are their other article/s (provide the permalink URLs) about?5. Now run a search for your same chosen topic in a library database. What are the top four most relevant (provide the four permalink URLs)? Note if they match any of the original four generated.Bonus 1 point: Talk about paid and unpaid access to this AI tool (look at pricing for different versions on the Chatgpt website) and how YOU think it might affect what you find in any tier of paid/unpaid access. This assignment tracks to the ACRL Information Literacy framework:"Information has Value"

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Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution License CC-BY

I Have a Story to Tell: Information Literacy and Testimonio Writing

The worksheet, activity, slides, and library instruction session outline for this assignment are a methodology for integrating information literacy and library research into testimonio writing in a first-year undergraduate Introduction to Higher Education (IHE) course in the College of Education at California State University, Los Angeles. In the testimonio, students reflect upon and write about their educational experiences while integrating academic sources into their work.
EducationEthnic Studies

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License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial License CC-BY-NC

The Economics of Academic Journals Infographic

A visual representation of the publishing process and how access is provided that includes what free labor is contributed to the process and how publishing companies make astronomical profits from freely given materials

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Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA

Data Hunts

Easier access to research data is changing the research landscape. Investigate the data available for your research topic through the library’s catalog and open-access sources. 

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License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial License CC-BY-NC


Introduction of Lateral Reading for Media Literacy

This lesson plan introduces students to lateral reading techniques using the SIFT method. Designed and implemented for a political science introduction to international relations course, this can easily be adapted to other media literacy contexts. Students will practice lateral reading with sample news articles. Worksheets, slides, and sample articles are linked in the lesson plan. Alternative news articles can be substituted.

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License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA

Quick Quips for Business Resources

This handout on business resources was designed in collaboration with the Ciocca Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Although the quips aren't exactly witty, the aim of each remark is to answer the simple question: Why would I use this resource anyway? Even though the handout is created with a specific audience in mind, the quips could be used to highlight any of these resources, anywhere information is needed.

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Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

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License Assigned: 
CC Attribution License CC-BY
