
Finding Local Government Information

Students in a political science course had to identify a local issue and find information to determine how the problem could be resolved. They were asked to identify local groups to work with, find federal, state, and local laws related to the issue, and use the information to develop their plan of action to resolve the problem. 

Resource Type(s):

Political Science
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution License CC-BY

General First year Communication Studies Library Research Assignment

After a brief overview of library resources in the context of Communication Studies (with an emphasis on different kinds of sources: blogs, books, multimedia), this document can be used to 1. Understand different database features 2. Finding specific kind of resources: scholarly, secondary, trade publications 3. Become comfortable translating selected resources into APA citations

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Communication Studies

Type of Institution:

License Assigned: 
All Rights Reserved
