
Zotero Tutorial

In this course, you will learn how to install Zotero software on your own devices, import citations via the Zotero web connector, and insert those ready-made citations directly into your papers.

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Not Discipline Specific
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License CC-BY-NC-ND

Citing Sources the APA Way

In this interactive Coassemble module, students are taught the basics of APA format (7th edition). The module begins with a discussion about the disciplines that use APA. It then moves into a lessons on in-text citations, as well as article, book, and website References page citations. Finally, students learn about basic APA paper format, from the title page to the References page. Checkpoints appear at the end of each lesson to test and reinforce knowledge.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Not Discipline Specific

Type of Institution:

License Assigned: 
All Rights Reserved

Directed Research Scavenger Hunt

This exercise gives students a model for approaching a research task, beginning with general information and ending with more in-depth sources. Discussion can focus on research as inquiry, research as strategic exploration, and the context and construction of authority. Students are required to cite their sources using both MLA and APA.

Resource Type(s):

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-ShareAlike License CC-BY-SA

Leveraging New Frameworks to Teach Information Appropriation

This chapter investigates the ACRL and WPA frameworks to discuss commonalities in how they approach appropriation of information in compositional contexts.  The chapter presents two sample assignments and outlines a case study of a collaboration between library and English faculty.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA

The Hip Hop Lib Guide

The Hip Hop LibGuide is a scholarly comprehensive online resource about Hip Hop Information Literacy and the artform in general. The libguide has been developed to engage novice, intermediate, and skilled learners that are interested in learning more about the culture, social issues, and artistic components of Hip Hop.

Resource Type(s):

Type of Institution:

License Assigned: 
All Rights Reserved