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An infographic guide on strategies and resources for comprehensive market analysis and planning for local businesses. It was used to support experiential learning marketing research classes, which student groups work with individual small business clients. It can be used together with the self-directed exercise worksheet.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration, Framework as a Whole
Contributor: Grace Liu
Resource Type(s): Instruction Program Material
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This guide can be used together with the Strategy for Business Consulting with Market Research. It guides students to go through several library databases to find consumer reports, market research handbook, industry reports, customer profiles, and competitor profiles with heatmap visualizations.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration, Framework as a Whole
Contributor: Grace Liu
Resource Type(s): Activity, Instruction Program Material, Worksheet
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It can be used together with the Strategy for Researching a Public Company. The worksheet takes students to explore several library databases to find company profiles, swot analysis, industry reports and articles.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration, Framework as a Whole
Contributor: Grace Liu
Resource Type(s): Activity, Instruction Program Material, Worksheet
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A self-directed research exercise worksheet that guide students to explore several library databases and find different perspectives on a particular detable finance-related topics given by the instructor.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration, Framework as a Whole
Contributor: Grace Liu
Resource Type(s): Activity, Instruction Program Material, Worksheet
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It can be used together with the Strategy for Finding Statistics and Data to enhanced students' self-directed learning. The exercise intended to address the faculty's challenge in guiding students to find a good data research topic. It can be adapted based on your specific instruction needs.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration, Framework as a Whole
Contributor: Grace Liu
Resource Type(s): Activity, Instruction Program Material, Worksheet
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Graphic organizer that takes students through the 5 W's (Who What Where When Why). Includes prompt questions.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
Contributor: Sarah Hood
Resource Type(s): Activity, Assignment Prompt, Learning Object, Worksheet
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FAQ, Discussions in the Higher Ed Community, Writing Assignments, Assessment, AI in the Classroom, Plagiarism & Academic Integrity, AI Detectors, Sample Syllabus Policies, Ethical Considerations...and more
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Framework as a Whole
Contributor: Sarah Hood
Resource Type(s): Learning Object, Professional Development Material, Research Guide
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Tips and Advice on using ChatGPT effectively and ethically (English & Spanish)(PPT files included for easier editing)
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Creation as Process, Research as Inquiry
Contributor: Sarah Hood
Resource Type(s): Instruction Program Material, Learning Object, Research Guide
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Thinking Outside the Box is an in-class research exercise designed to facilitate students' evaluation of information found in subscription databases and obtained through generative artificial intelligence tools by providing a series of questions for them to answer. For this exercise, the applicable frames from the Framework for Information Literacy include: "authority is constructed and contextual," "information creation as process," and "searching as strategic exploration."
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Creation as Process, Searching as Strategic Exploration
Contributor: Latia Ward
Resource Type(s): Assignment Prompt
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A group of four librarians from varied disciplinary backgrounds came together to examine issues of artificial intelligence and large language models. We are of the opinion that Pandora's box has been opened. Students will use ChatGPT, so it is important that we engage our students to promote a deeper learning and awareness of this technology and its limitations. As a result, we participated in a semester-long ChatGPT workshop sponsored by our institution's writing center. We explored various aspects of generative pre-trained transformers (GPTs), particularly where it intersects with information literacy, visual literacy, digital literacy, and privacy literacy. We created learning activities closely tied to learning outcomes derived from the Association of College and Research Libraries’ (ACRL) Information Literacy Framework and ACRL's Framework for Visual Literacy in Higher Education. Each centers on a frame and contains an overview of the information or visual literacy issue as it relates to ChatGPT or AI tools. We designed each with customizations appropriate for the different approaches taken in humanities, social sciences, and science courses.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry, Scholarship as Conversation, Searching as Strategic Exploration
Contributor: Stefanie Hilles
Resource Type(s): Activity, Assignment Prompt, Learning Object, Lesson Plan
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A visual representation of the publishing process and how access is provided that includes what free labor is contributed to the process and how publishing companies make astronomical profits from freely given materials
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Has Value
Contributor: John LaDue
Resource Type(s): Learning Object, Other
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This resource consists of three prompts for students to reflect on their research process at the beginning, the midpoint, and the end of a research assignment. The reflection responses can be used by librarians and instructors to identify where students are struggling in the research process and use that information to improve their teaching.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Creation as Process, Research as Inquiry, Searching as Strategic Exploration
Contributor: Kayleen Jones
Resource Type(s): Activity, Assessment Material, Assignment Prompt
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Using social media examples, helping students understand how scholarship is not done in isolation but shared and a conversation. This is a lesson plan for a single class session. Included is a Learning Objectives doc for behind the scenes use, Questions Reading Activity for sharing with students, and Assessment for capturing data.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Scholarship as Conversation
Contributor: Emily Bufford
Resource Type(s): Activity, Assessment Material, Learning Outcomes List, Lesson Plan, Worksheet
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Easier access to research data is changing the research landscape. Investigate the data available for your research topic through the library’s catalog and open-access sources.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Has Value, Research as Inquiry, Scholarship as Conversation, Searching as Strategic Exploration
Contributor: Kaypounyers Maye
Resource Type(s): Assignment Prompt, Lesson Plan
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This lesson plan introduces students to lateral reading techniques using the SIFT method. Designed and implemented for a political science introduction to international relations course, this can easily be adapted to other media literacy contexts. Students will practice lateral reading with sample news articles. Worksheets, slides, and sample articles are linked in the lesson plan. Alternative news articles can be substituted.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Creation as Process, Information Has Value
Contributor: Ruth Castillo
Resource Type(s): Activity, Lesson Plan
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This worksheet can be used in upper-level undergraduate Environmental Studies classes to showcase how to use the BEAM framework. You can model the example on the worksheet and use that to show how to explore library/other information sources to find each example, or ask a student to offer a research topic and then make a table on a white board that you fill out together, following by information source navigation demos.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
Contributor: Rosalinda Linares
Resource Type(s): Worksheet
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This group activity is conceived of as part of a larger session about finding academic books and articles. It is an opportunity to address emerging AI tools like Elicit and the various chatbots. The jigsaw design assigns each group one tool to evaluate and present to the rest of the class.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration
Contributor: Megan Fitzgibbons
Resource Type(s): Activity, Lesson Plan, Slide Deck, Worksheet
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This handout on business resources was designed in collaboration with the Ciocca Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Although the quips aren't exactly witty, the aim of each remark is to answer the simple question: Why would I use this resource anyway? Even though the handout is created with a specific audience in mind, the quips could be used to highlight any of these resources, anywhere information is needed.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Has Value
Contributor: Benjamin Hall
Resource Type(s): Other
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This exercise scaffolds Google and Library resources in order to help students prepare for "career conversations" with industry professionals. The presentation is designed for a business communication class in which students conduct industry research as prepartion for a strategic professional networking assignment. The assumption exercise is designed explicitly to encourage students to question their assumptions about librarians and other career professionals. Padlet is used to encourage group work and for assessment purposes.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Has Value, Research as Inquiry, Searching as Strategic Exploration
Contributor: Benjamin Hall
Resource Type(s): Lesson Plan
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How do you detmerine whether your research has had an impact? This lesson plan covers journal and author metrics such as Journal Impact Factors, H-index, citation counts, and altmetrics. After a mini-lecture of the definitions of these metrics and how to find them using Journal Citation Reports and Google Scholar Metrics, students create a researcher profile to position themselves as scholars. Supplies needed: Printed researcher profile handouts.This activity takes approxiately 30 minutes. Directions: Identify a university or research center you’d want to be affiliated with, and make up a title of an article you’d be interested in writing. Then, find a real journal that would publish that article. Use Google Scholar to look up the journal’s h-index and Ulrich’s to determine if it’s open access. Make up a number for how many times you think the article would be cited!
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Has Value
Contributor: Tessa Withorn
Resource Type(s): Activity
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This sex-positive privacy literacy workshop engages participants in exploring how sex tech impacts intimate privacy and intimate relationships. Workshop content is contextualized with the theoretical frameworks of artificial intimacies (Brooks) and consentful tech (The Consentful Tech Project) and the concept of intimate privacy (Citron) and presented through a privacy literacy lens. Participants will identify artificial intimacies in order to assess real-world examples and their impact upon intimate privacy; evaluate the privacy of digital bodies under conditions of data promiscuity using a consentful tech framework; and understand intimate privacy and the impact of technology on intimate relationships and wellbeing.The workshop is designed for a 60-minute session, but can be extended to fill the time available.Includes workshop guide, presentation slides, learning activities, inclusive pedagogy tool, and assessment instrument.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Has Value
Contributor: Sarah Hartman-Caverly
Resource Type(s): Activity, Assessment Material, Bibliography, Instruction Program Material, Learning Object, Learning Outcomes List, Lesson Plan, Slide Deck, Worksheet
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ChatGPT is an generative artificial intelligence chatbot released in November 2022 by OpenAI. What are the opportunities in using this tool to teach library instruction? This document highlights various ways to engage with learners in critically analyzing ChatGPT (version GPT-3) and its responses through the ACRL Frame: Information Creation as a Process.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Creation as Process
Contributor: Ray Pun
Resource Type(s): Activity, Lesson Plan
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This learning module will help students find and critically evaluate online sources for class discussions and assignments and form unbiased judgments and decisions. What is it?A five-part series learning module that takes 1.5 - 2 hrs. to completeA 4-step strategy for evaluating online sources with hands-on exercises and an infographic guideHow will it help students succeed?Develop critical source evaluation strategies.Learn to read laterally, to evaluate and track evidenceCultivate metacognitive skills and reflective practiceBuild confidence in navigating complex online information environments. Access to the Learning Module via the Google Site Link below.Please contact us if you are interested in accessing the transcripts and/or exercises & answer keys.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Framework as a Whole
Contributor: Grace Liu
Resource Type(s): Instruction Program Material
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This infographic displays where to look for information and where to search for finding public company information.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration
Contributor: Grace Liu
Resource Type(s): Instruction Program Material
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Beginning college students often make assumptions that scholarly sources are inherently bias-free. Students may also hold the belief that if they find a source through a library database, it is automatically a useful and neutral viewpoint on a topic. These mindsets can limit students’ motivation to apply evaluation strategies beyond establishing credibility based on the author’s credentials.This lesson plan introduces the concept of positionality statements to help students understand that scholars do not leave their identities and life experiences behind when they conduct research. Students practice a new way to evaluate and understand the perspective–and limitations–that scholars bring to their research.The lesson plan is designed for first-year composition courses in which students are asked to develop a research topic based on their interests or experiences. It could be adapted for upper-level undergraduate courses in the social sciences.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Creation as Process
Contributor: Lauren Wallis
Resource Type(s): Activity, Lesson Plan