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The worksheet, activity, slides, and library instruction session outline for this assignment are a methodology for integrating information literacy and library research into testimonio writing in a first-year undergraduate Introduction to Higher Education (IHE) course in the College of Education at California State University, Los Angeles. In the testimonio, students reflect upon and write about their educational experiences while integrating academic sources into their work.
An infographic guide on strategies and resources for comprehensive market analysis and planning for local businesses. It was used to support experiential learning marketing research classes, which student groups work with individual small business clients. It can be used together with the self-directed exercise worksheet.
Contributor: Grace Liu
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration, Framework as a Whole
This guide can be used together with the Strategy for Business Consulting with Market Research. It guides students to go through several library databases to find consumer reports, market research handbook, industry reports, customer profiles, and competitor profiles with heatmap visualizations.
Contributor: Grace Liu
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration, Framework as a Whole
It can be used together with the Strategy for Researching a Public Company. The worksheet takes students to explore several library databases to find company profiles, swot analysis, industry reports and articles.
Contributor: Grace Liu
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration, Framework as a Whole
A self-directed research exercise worksheet that guide students to explore several library databases and find different perspectives on a particular detable finance-related topics given by the instructor.
Contributor: Grace Liu
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration, Framework as a Whole
It can be used together with the Strategy for Finding Statistics and Data to enhanced students' self-directed learning. The exercise intended to address the faculty's challenge in guiding students to find a good data research topic. It can be adapted based on your specific instruction needs.
Contributor: Grace Liu
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration, Framework as a Whole
Graphic organizer that takes students through the 5 W's (Who What Where When Why). Includes prompt questions. 
Contributor: Sarah Hood
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
FAQ, Discussions in the Higher Ed Community, Writing Assignments, Assessment, AI in the Classroom, Plagiarism & Academic Integrity, AI Detectors, Sample Syllabus Policies, Ethical Considerations...and more  
Contributor: Sarah Hood
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Framework as a Whole
Tips and Advice on using ChatGPT effectively and ethically (English & Spanish)
Contributor: Sarah Hood
Thinking Outside the Box is an in-class research exercise designed to facilitate students' evaluation of information found in subscription databases and obtained through generative artificial intelligence tools by providing a series of questions for them to answer. For this exercise, the applicable frames from the Framework for Information Literacy include: "authority is constructed and contextual," "information creation as process," and "searching as strategic exploration."
Contributor: Latia Ward
Resource Type(s): Assignment Prompt
