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digital leadership

Digital Leadership Workshop

The Penn State Berks Privacy Workshop Series focuses on privacy issues for students in the past, present, and future.  The Privacy Workshop spotlights privacy practices and concerns in the current moment; Digital Leadership explores future implications of past and current digital behaviors; Digital Shred provides tools to evaluate and mitigate the damage of past digital behaviors; and Digital Wellness focuses on privacy across the lifespan - bringing together the past, present, & future by finding a balance of technology & wellness, while aligning habits and goals.  Each workshop is grounded in theory – countering approaches that overpromise user control in the face of information asymmetries and the control paradox – and embrace students’ autonomy and agency by avoiding prescribed solutions, and instead encouraging decision-making frameworks.In the Digital Leadership Workshop, students will be able to:recognize that online behavior is persistent and there is no guarantee that it will remain private (despite privacy settings)anticipate how perceptions of their online behavior can impact their personal and professional opportunities and make informed, intentional decisions regarding their activityalign their online activity within the context of their future professionmodel constructive online behaviors as student leaders and future professionals

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA