
Scholarly Conversations

The Scholarly Conversations lesson is mapped to the Scholarship as Conversation Frame and introduces the concept of scholarly conversations developing over time, and how to follow a scholarly conversation.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA

Access Matters

The Access Matters lesson is mapped to the Information has Value Frame and introduces the concept of information access barriers and their consequences using the themes of Government, Research, and Well-Being.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA

Ask the Right Questions

The Ask the Right Questions lesson is mapped to the Research as Inquiry and Searching as Strategic Exploration Frames and helps students learn how to determine the scope of their investigations by creating an appropriate research question. This lesson introduces the first step in a research process and criteria used to refine a topic into an appropriate research question. To accomplish this, the lesson will:Define a research question and the difference between a topic and a research questionIntroduce the 5W criteria for refining an investigationDiscuss how questions are too broad, too narrow, or just right within a given context/investigation

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA

Value of Information

The Value of Information lesson is mapped to the Information has Value Frame and introduces the concept of information, including personal information, as a commodity which carries value and has a cost. This lesson introduces new ways of assessing the value of information. To accomplish this we:Define information cost and valueGive an overview of the perceptions of the cost of informationExplore the different characteristics of value-added informationIdentify the value of information despite its costRecognize how the commercialization of information affects information received and produced

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA

Choosing Information Paths

The Choosing Information paths lesson is mapped to the Information as Creation Process Frame and helps students learn to recognize that information may be perceived differently based on the format in which it is packaged. In this lesson, students identify various characteristics of information formats, and match information needs to the most appropriate digital format. Moreover, students observe the changes that occur to information as it is repackaged in different formats, and evaluate the results. In this lesson students will learn how to:Match information needs with the most useful digital formatName the properties of various digital formatsExplore the differences between content as delivered in different formats

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA

News and Social Media

Evaluating a political news story presented in social media.
License Assigned: 
All Rights Reserved

Rhetorical Reinventions: Rethinking Research Processes and Information Practices to Deepen our Pedagogy

This resource includes files and links for the conference paper and slides of the presentation Rhetorical Reinventions: Rethinking Research Processes and Information Practices to Deepen our Pedagogy, presented at LOEX 2016 by Donna Witek, Mary J. Snyder Broussard, and Joel M. Burkholder. Both the slides and the paper include a detailed bibliography of related resources.Presentation/Paper Abstract:The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy offers instruction librarians an opportunity to reconsider not only how they teach but also how they think about research and information. This new thinking has the potential to reinvent instructional practices, resulting in learning that is both situated and transferable. The discipline of rhetoric can inform this effort.This presentation will consider three traditional “steps” of the research process: question formulation, information search, and source evaluation. Traditional approaches over-simplify each activity: broaden the question by including related elements or narrow it by concentrating on a specific time/area/population; follow these steps to find the “correct” number and types of sources; and evaluate information based on the presence of external characteristics.Yet when information literacy is approached rhetorically, librarians can partner with classroom faculty to teach much more meaningful and transferable information literacy knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Librarians can then guide students in the complex processes of navigating the expectations of disciplinary audiences and developing a critical self-awareness of themselves as scholarly contributors; engaging with search tools, strategies, and processes in ways that are flexible, iterative, and exploratory by design; and comprehending more fully their information sources for deeper evaluation that better meets their own rhetorical goals. In an interactive presentation, the presenters will explore how rhetoric and composition theories have the potential—with creative and strategic thinking—to work in synergy with the Framework, make information literacy more authentic and meaningful, and develop true lifelong learners.

Type of Institution:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial License CC-BY-NC

Online Interactive Information Literacy Modules

Covering necessary information literacy topics in a traditional "one shot" session can be difficult. To address this challenge, a suite of interactive online modules were developed to provide active learning lessons on various information literacy topics. The modules can be used in fully online, flipped or face-to-face courses and can be integrated into a learning management system (LMS) so student knowledge and progress can be tracked and assessed. Developed using Articulate Storyline, the sources files are available as open source downloads under a GNU General Public License (GPLv3) from the Marquette University Libraries GitHub site. Please feel free to download and continue to enhance and improve these modules.
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-ShareAlike License CC-BY-SA

Disciplinary Thinking in Research Processes

Students often feel like outsiders in their courses.  Their professors speak a different "language" and have different values.  If scholarship is a "Conversation," students need to grasp what forces and cultures drive scholars within a discipline to converse the way they do.  This slide presentation lays out the main features of disciplinary culture, the basis of all conversations.  If students can learn to "read" disciplines effectively, they will be better able to grasp the nature of conversations as they do their research.

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:


Type of Institution:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-ShareAlike License CC-BY-SA
