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ACRL Framework

Political Science Curriculum Map Procedural Manual & Codebook

This document provides directions and information needed to complete a curriculum map for the Political Science Department at the University of North Texas. Other subject librarians may use this document to guide their own curriculum mapping projects.

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Political Science

Type of Institution:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA

Cast Your Students as Scholars

This is a participatory, variable lesson frame ready for you to modify to suit your instruction needs. This lesson and it's variations focuses on encouraging students to see themselves as information creators and part of the scholarly conversation and can also variously include conversations about about the scholarly information cycle and/or authority depending on instruction constraints and configuration.Start with StudentScholarLessonPlan.pdf below.

Resource Type(s):

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial License CC-BY-NC

Why is Metacognition Important to Information Literacy?

Four short screencasts under 90 seconds about the role of metacognition in information literacy instruction.

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
All Rights Reserved

Revisiting Metacogntion and Metaliteracy in the ACRL Framework

In the early drafts of the Information Literacy Framework for Higher Education, metaliteracy and metacognition contributed several guiding principles in recognition of the fact that information literacy concepts need to reflect students’ roles as creators and participants in research and scholarship. The authors contend that diminution of metaliteracy and metacognition occurred during later revisions of the Framework and thus diminished the document’s usefulness as a teaching tool. This article highlights the value of metaliteracy and metacognition in order to support the argument that these concepts are critical to information literacy today, and that the language of these concepts should be revisited in the language of the Framework. Certainly metacognition and metaliteracy should be included in pedagogical strategies submitted to the newly launched ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Sandbox.

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
All Rights Reserved

21st Century Literacies and Graduate Attributes

The University of the Western Cape has developed a set of graduate attributes that are based on the UWC vision and mission. This tutorial is based on six concepts that may be used to enhance such attributes. An understanding of these concepts will mean that students develop a sense of agency in their research and practices, which opens up a pathway to lifelong learning and professional development. The concepts enable learners to become autonomous and collaborative and active contributors to knowledge. The tutorial also offers authentic examples which may be used to illustrate ways of applying and interpreting the various concepts.

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:


Type of Institution:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution License CC-BY