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Infographic on the parts of an research article in the arts and humanities. Includes article information, abstract, body of the article, and references. Created by Tessa Withorn and Dana Ospina at California State University Dominguez Hills.
Contributor: Tessa Withorn
Resource Type(s): Learning Object
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Creation as Process
Infographic describing the parts of a research article in the sciences and social scienes, including the article information abstract, introduction or literature review, meths, results, discussion, and references.
Contributor: Tessa Withorn
Resource Type(s): Learning Object
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Creation as Process
An infographic handout on coginitive bias in information practices. Examples include confirmation bias, availability bias, and authority bias. 
Contributor: Tessa Withorn
Resource Type(s): Learning Object
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual
Tags: bias
Background: Students will be working in groups on a research paper about the environmental health impact of a natural disaster (e.g. Hurricane Katrina, Love Canal, 9/11 attacks and first responders, etc.). They must use at least 3 peer-reviewed sources, but their paper must also address the who, what, when, where, and why of the event. They are also asked to address environmental justice and discuss the long-term environmental consequences of the event.Learning Outcomes:After the session, students will be able to:Describe the information lifecycle around a natural disaster/eventUse advanced...
Contributor: Tessa Withorn
Resource Type(s): Lesson Plan
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Creation as Process
A 7 minute tutorial on step-by-step tips on using the Thesaurus feature of the PsycArticles database found in ProQuest Central.
Contributor: Stella Herzig
Resource Type(s): Tutorial
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration
Books, databases, and websites, and local resources for exploring antiracism. 
Contributor: David Strass
Resource Type(s): Research Guide
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Has Value
Canvas module covering how to conduct business research. Designed for undergrads to complete over a full semester. 
Contributor: Melissa Johnson
Resource Type(s): Learning Object
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Framework as a Whole
This assignment or activity is intended to help students learn how to trace the scholarly conversation on a topic, using references and cited by tools to find previous and more recent works related to a specific source.
Contributor: Jane Hammons
Resource Type(s): Activity, Lesson Plan
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Scholarship as Conversation
Slide deck to introduce education students to college research in the field of education.
Resource Type(s): Slide Deck
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
This infographic guide on the literature review process help researchers decide where to search, how to search, how to organize the search process and increase the productivity, and how evaluate scholarly articles. Altough the Guide is created to meet the needs of public administration research, the approaches can be used by other disicplines as well.
Contributor: Grace Liu
Resource Type(s): Research Guide
