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I wrote "How Information Works:ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Lay Language" for a faculty workshop we held at Ohio University called, "Reimagining the Research Assignment." Later, the Learner-Centered Teaching team took the "Actions" and/or "Attitudes" from that restatement and wrote "Gateway Scales:" almost-rubrics for each frame. Our intention here is to greatly simplify the language so faculty can more easily understand our purpose.
I have linked to our page, where several versions can be accessed: simple (b/w), color handout, long color version with attitudes and actions from novice to expert. I have also uploaded PDFs of both documents.
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How Information Works, with Gateway Scales on the Ohio University Libraries page.
Other Attribution Information
Saines, S.; Broughton, K.; Intrator, M.; Schmillen, H.; & Wochna, L. (2018)