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A one-shot or seminar class on fake news tied to source evaluation. Examination of the factors at play in the creation of misinformation; insight into how to select sources; tools and strategies for evalutating content of stories, authors, and news outlets.
Contributor: Jennifer Hasse
Resource Type(s): Activity, Lesson Plan
Comme une fiche-synthèse à remettre à la fin d'un atelier sur l'évaluation des sources. Encore mieux : dans l'atelier, insérez volontairement une erreur et en début d'atelier demandez aux étudiants de la repérer. À la fin de l'atelier, remettez la seule fiche-synthèse plastifiée au participant qui l'a trouvé en premier, les autres participants ont la version papier simple.Peut servir à évaluer le document le plus faible parmi la bibliographie d'un travail, d'un mémoire, d'une thèse; ou dans le syllabus d'un professeur ; ou dans la bibliographie d'une source (article ou livre).Gamified summary...
Contributor: Pascal Martinolli
Resource Type(s): Assessment Material, Worksheet
A Star Wars themed look at the Authority is Constructed and Contextual frame, originally used for a staff training event. 
Contributor: Amanda Ziegler
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual
This template gives space to outline an Information Literacy session, allowing a department to create a more cohesive program, or a single librarian to maintain an organized sense of their own sessions.This single page template gives space for teaching and learning activities, applying a frame, tools used for the session, assesment techniques used, time taken, as well as assigning it to a course and instructor.
Contributor: Hanna Primeau
In this activity, students think metacognitively as they search to work out strategies for navigating the search process.  In the process, they use Google Docs to collaboratively produce a Search Tips sheet which the whole class can refer back to.  
Contributor: Heather Beirne
Resource Type(s): Activity, Lesson Plan, Worksheet
An explanation of different kinds of authority that students might recognize in a piece of information accompanied by a list of articles about global warming that appeal to, invoke, or otherwise discuss these authorities.  Students should skim one or more of the articles, answer some questions about them, and discuss their ideas with their peers.
Contributor: Todd Heldt
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual
Paper discussing a proposal for an information fluency initiative at the University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries.
Contributor: Greg Hardin
Resource Type(s): Publication, White Paper, Other
University of North Texas Libraries' Library Literacy Escape Room Student Learning Outcomes as tied to ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education and ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education.Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) created in planning stages of the UNT Libraries Escape the Library escape room created for UNT First Flight (freshman orientation).  
Contributor: Greg Hardin
Resource Type(s): Learning Outcomes List
This program targets students who have been identified as individuals who would benefit from enrichment and academic and social preparation for success in a university setting. The library offers a six-week, one-credit course through the Africana Studies and Latino Studies programs entitled “Research Strategies”. This course introduces students to skills needed to successfully perform academic research in a university library, focusing primarily on the ACRL Frames regarding authority, value, inquiry and strategic exploration of information
Contributor: Tony Cosgrave
Need to add an active learning exercise in your info lit workshop? Consider designing an escape room where students work in teams and compete against other while self-teaching how to conduct research. 
Contributor: Ray Pun
Resource Type(s): Activity
