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Writing a literature review can seem like a daunting task. It involves finding sources, synthesizing them, and relating them to your research topic. This workshop will guide you through the process of writing a literature review, providing plenty of examples and tips along the way.By the end of this activity, you'll be able to:Recognize key components of a literature reviewIdentify a knowledge gap in previous research and express how you can address the gapOrganize sources effectively and logicallyThe workshop includes interactive video animations and self-assessment questions.
Contributor: UCLA WIRE
Resource Type(s): Activity, Learning Object, Tutorial
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry, Scholarship as Conversation
Created in collaboration with Dr. Jordan Moberg Parker, UCLA's Director of Undergraduate Laboratory Curriculum and Assessment in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics, C.R.E.A.T.E.S. is a set of 6 steps that help learners read and critically analyze scientific papers. The C.R.E.A.T.E.S. method, pioneered by Dr. Sally Hoskins, has a demonstrated positive impact on undergraduate students' self-confidence in scientific reading, as well as in their general perceptions of and beliefs about science and scientific thinking (Hoskins, et. al, 2017).The new C.R.E.A.T.E.S. site uses...
Contributor: UCLA WIRE
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry, Scholarship as Conversation
An open access MOOC in French to bonify the information literacy skills of university students (with Moodle).
Contributor: Pascal Martinolli
Tags: MOOC
If there were a list of things I absolutely required all my students to understand before leaving my class, the relationship between mass media, politics, and science would be close to the top of the list. But there are a lot of moving parts in these relationships, so the terrain is difficult to traverse.  As one might expect of a difficult topic, there is much to read and a lot to unpack.   This pathfinder discusses how politics and our mass media system complicate the dissemination of important scientific information. 
Contributor: Todd Heldt
Updated Version, please download this one!  This infographic helps students figure out more information about peer-reviewed articles, including types of secondary articles like meta-analysis and meta-synethesis.  This map gives more information and helps to point them in the right direction, especially those doing literature reviews in the sciences.  
Contributor: Samantha Kennedy
Resource Type(s): Learning Object
This infographic helps students figure out more information about peer-reviewed articles, including types of secondary articles like meta-analysis and meta-synethesis.  This map gives more information and helps to point them in the right direction, especially those doing literature reviews in the sciences.  
Contributor: Samantha Kennedy
Resource Type(s): Learning Object
Similar to my general "research snake" this one is specficially for history student searching for history resources, primary and secondary.  This is a visual resource you can use to show students how to start research and the steps they should follow along the way.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
Contributor: Samantha Kennedy
Resource Type(s): Learning Object
This is a visual resource you can use to show students how to start research and the steps they should follow along the way.  This is applicable to all discplines.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
Contributor: Samantha Kennedy
Resource Type(s): Learning Object
These .pdfs offer students examples of three different search strategies.  Students can then construct their own on the 2nd page.  These exercises can be used to assess student understnading of keywords and Boolean operators.
Contributor: Todd Heldt
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry, Searching as Strategic Exploration
