
Using Generative AI Responsibly for Brainstorming and Refining a Research Question

This activity involves using Generative AI platforms, such as ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and, to assist in brainstorming and refining research questions. Students will experiment with different prompts, and engage in a conversational approach with the AI to get the best, most useful results.This activity is intended to provide students with an introduction to effective GenAI prompt construction and does not explore the ethical issues of using this technology.  Estimated Time: ~1 hour, give/take 15 minThis activity is structured into three main sections:Narrowing a Topic:Experiment with different prompts to see which ones work best for narrowing down a research topic.Record the effective prompts and note whether a single interaction (single-shot) or multiple interactions (few-shot) were needed.List additional topic suggestions provided by the AI and evaluate their relevance.Refining Your Research Question:Test various prompts to refine a research question.Identify the most effective prompts and determine if a single-shot or few-shot approach was more beneficial.Document other research questions suggested by the AI and assess their usefulness.Generating Keywords/Phrases for Library Database Searches:Use prompts to generate keywords and phrases for searching in library databases.Note which prompts were most effective and whether a single-shot or few-shot approach was used.List additional keywords or phrases suggested by the AI and consider their applicability.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial License CC-BY-NC

AI Literacy Workshop: AI and Copyright

This resource is an outline of a workshop TTU librarians conducted in April 2024. We used Padlet for discussion and wrap-up of series.Learning Objectives:Grasp the complexities of defining authorship and ownership of AI-created works. Understand the legal status of works created by artificial intelligence and the implications for creators and users. Learn about Creative Commons licenses and other licensing options for AI-generated works.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Not Discipline Specific
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial License CC-BY-NC

AI Literacy Workshop: Ethics and Social Justice

Resource is the outline and resources/news articles and research used for a workshop on AI ethics and possible uses and misuses of AI in social justice issues at Texas Tech University. This session was held in March 2024. As this topic evolves, so will resources used.Learning Objectives:Learn how to recognize and mitigate biases in AI algorithms and data and to evaluate and ensure fairness in AI systems, including demographic parity and equal opportunity.Understand the ethical issues surrounding data collection, storage, and usage in AI applications.Learn about ethical guidelines for AI creators and users.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Not Discipline Specific
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial License CC-BY-NC

AI Literacy Workshop: AI Art and Images

This session was developed for the Texas Tech University community of faculty, staff, and all students who were interested in the topic from a critical standpoint. This was part 6 in an 8 part series which is discussion based. As such, this workshop may only touch on certain aspects of this technology that was not covered previously while focusing on visual literacy skills. Special attention was given to the ways in which this technology is being used in facial recognition softwares, and the work of Dr. Joy Buolamwini.Setup Padlet as appropriate using recent news coverage related to academics and social life. Resource is outline of session. Learning Objectives for this session:Participants will learn about strengths and weaknesses of AI tools for generating images, photos and art.Understand issues related to copyright, attribution, and authenticity in AI-generated images and art.Explore how AI-generated art is used in various industries, such as academic research, advertising, entertainment, and design.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Not Discipline Specific
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial License CC-BY-NC

AI Literacy at Lunchtime: Research Tools

This is an outline of the session "AI Literacy at Lunchtime: Research Tools," part of the TTUL's AI Literacy workshop series. This is a discussion based series that allows for critical examination of AI tools, generative tools, and their applications in research.Session is meant to be approximately one hour. Our sessions are conducted in hybrid form (online through Zoom and in-person). These tools can offer ways to simplify workflows, look for connections between papers and researchers, and offer different perspectives that we might not usually see with regards to traditional literature searches of academic databases. Learning Objectives:Differentiate which tools are considered AI tools for literature reviews Evaluate tools such as Research Rabbit, Connected Papers and Rayyan.  Utilize tools like Semantic Scholar  
Not Discipline Specific
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial License CC-BY-NC

AI Literacy Workshop Prompt Engineering

This is an outline of a session created for the Texas Tech University for the AI Literacy at Lunchtime series, currently running during the spring 2024 semester. This session relies on a powerpoint presentation of Dr. Leo Lo's CLEAR framework and two Padlets:1. for sharing the prompts and generative outputs2. for the discussion questions listed.This session was approximately 1 hour long.This series is discussion based with undergraduates, graduates, faculty and staff participating in the session, but can be adapted.Learning Objectives for this session:Understand the basics of prompt engineering.Create their own prompts for generative AI chatbots like Gemini or ChatGPT.Create their own prompts for AI image generators like Midjourney, DALL-E or HotpotUnderstand the biases inherent in this technology

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Not Discipline Specific
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NoDerivs License CC-BY-ND

Framework Discovery - Discussion Activity

This resource was designed as a jumping-off point for discussions between librarians and peer tutors who work outside of the library, specifically undergraduate subject-specific and writing tutors. Tutors are asked to examine ACRL framework by considering a learning objective and a brief related video. Videos were created by North Kentucky University's Steely Library. 

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-ShareAlike License CC-BY-SA

Hidden Layer: Intellectual Privacy and Generative AI

The Hidden Layer Workshop introduces key generative AI (genAI) concepts through a privacy lens. Participants probe the possibilities and limitations of genAI while considering implications for intellectual privacy, intellectual property, data sovereignty, and human agency. An original PROMPT Design Framework and worksheet guide participants through the iterative process of prompting generative AI to optimize output by specifying Persona, Requirements, Organization, Medium, Purpose, and Tone. In the centerpiece activity, participants engage in a hidden layer simulation to develop a conceptual understanding of the algorithms in the neural networks underlying LLMs and their implications for machine bias and AI hallucination. Drawing on Richards’s theory of intellectual privacy (2015) and the movement for data sovereignty, and introducing an original framework for the ethical evaluation of AI, Hidden Layer prepares participants to be critical users of genAI and synthetic media.The workshop is designed for a 60-minute session, but can be extended to fill the time available.Includes workshop guide, presentation slides, learning activities, and assessment instrument.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA

Vetting ChatGPT sources

Vetting Sources:An exercise that teaches ChatGPT’s limitations. This exercise empowers students to verify the information AI generates, fostering responsible AI use.Ask ChatGPT to generate a list of 4 academic sources on a topic of your choice, and then evaluate the credibility and usability of those sources.Now answer:What is the topic you chose?What 4 citations were generated? (Paste the citations here)THEN complete the following:1. Are the citations actually real? Does such a journal/website/book exist? State which are not real and which are real. State whether any website used in a real citation where you found it is credible and why.2. State where those specific real citations are available full-text (check our library databses too). List the names of the places you found them (for example, name of such-and-such webite, name of database , etc...).3. Check the credentials of the lead author by doing a google search of their name in quotes. Are they trained in the field of the topic? State their credentials and/or academic degrees.4. Now run their name (in quotemarks) in a library database (like ProQuest or Ebscohost), use a drop down to search for AUTHOR - do they appear? IF YES, What are their other article/s (provide the permalink URLs) about?5. Now run a search for your same chosen topic in a library database. What are the top four most relevant (provide the four permalink URLs)? Note if they match any of the original four generated.Bonus 1 point: Talk about paid and unpaid access to this AI tool (look at pricing for different versions on the Chatgpt website) and how YOU think it might affect what you find in any tier of paid/unpaid access. This assignment tracks to the ACRL Information Literacy framework:"Information has Value"

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution License CC-BY

Strategy for Business Consulting with Market Research

An infographic guide on strategies and resources for comprehensive market analysis and planning for local businesses. It was used to support experiential learning marketing research classes, which student groups work with individual small business clients. It can be used together with the self-directed exercise worksheet.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
All Rights Reserved
