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Path to Research (History Methods Research Snake)

Similar to my general "research snake" this one is specficially for history student searching for history resources, primary and secondary.  This is a visual resource you can use to show students how to start research and the steps they should follow along the way.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at samkennedy@gmail.com

Resource Type(s):

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CC Attribution License CC-BY

If We Frame It, They Will Respond: Undergraduate Student Responses to the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education

Exploratory study in two parts.  Part one addresses the question of whether or not undergraduate students can understand the language and concepts in this document. By presenting student responses to pretest questions recorded at the beginning of a semester-long research methods course, this article shows that students can, even on first impression, begin to make sense of the complexity and richness found in the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.  Survey questions and complete student responses are included.Part two compares student pretest and posttest responses conducted at the beginning and end of a semester-long research methods course to measure the evolution of undergraduate students’ comprehension of information literacy concepts aspresented in the Frames.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Type of Institution:

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All Rights Reserved