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A slide presentation to accompany the learning activity from the chapter "Senior Citizens, Digital Citizens: Improving Information Consumption in Older Adults" in Teaching about Fake News: Lesson Plans for Different Disciplines and Audiences. This lesson demonstrates some of the most common types of misinformation senior citizens may encounter using social media and evaluation techniques to prevent sharing with others. 
Contributor: Nicole Thomas
Resource Type(s): Slide Deck
Tags: #fakenews
These slides are designed to accompany "Countering Fake News with Collaborative Learning: Engaging Writing Center Tutors in Information Literacy Instruction, a chapter in the ACRL book Teaching About Fake News. 
Contributor: Lori Jacobson
Resource Type(s): Slide Deck
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Scholarship as Conversation, Searching as Strategic Exploration
Tags: #fakenews
These materials were created to complement the "Bot or Not?" learning activity described in "Chapter 12: Fact-Checking Viral Trends for News Writers," in Teaching About Fake News: Lesson Plans for Different Disciplines and Audiences (2021). Students are to divide into groups, take a tweet provided by the instructor (samples are included in the link), and use evaluative methods introduced in the session to determine the veracity and newsworthiness of both the Twitter account and the tweet itself.
Contributor: Elizabeth Downey
Resource Type(s): Slide Deck
Tags: #fakenews
Slide deck for chapter "Establishing the Fake News-Pseudoscience Connection in a Workshop for Graduate Students" 
Contributor: Brian Quinn
Resource Type(s): Slide Deck
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Framework as a Whole
Tags: #fakenews
This PowerPoint and associated learning activity accompany "Chapter 20: Mediated Lives: A Cultural Studies Perspective to Discussing “Fake-News” with First-Year College Students" in Teaching About Fake News: Lesson Plans for Diverse Disciplines and Audiences (2021).  In this lesson, students learn about mediation, fake news, and how internet content is catered to specific demographics of social media users.  In the activity to follow, students create their own clickbait headlines for multiple imagined audiences. 
Contributor: Jacob Herrmann
Resource Type(s): Slide Deck
Tags: #fakenews
For our classes on mis/disinformation, we chose to focus on having students analyze memes that present some sort of “factual” information. So, think memes with text on them that purport to give information to the reader. We do our best to choose memes that are not political in any way. We have students first look critically at the meme to suss out the elements of authority, motivation, content, potential for fact-checking, and more. What follows is a breakdown of our assignment.
Contributor: Hubert Womack
Resource Type(s): Slide Deck
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Framework as a Whole
Tags: #fakenews
A toolkit with various instructional materials to teach media and news literacy. Includes an online activity "Fairness and Blanace" where students watch a short video on journalistic standards and answer discussion questions. Then, students can take one or both interactive tutorials on "Lateral Reading" with a focus on fact-checking and/or "Evaluating Information" based on an information need. Also includes a video on the "Anatomy of a News Website" with reflective questions and in-class assignment ideas for librarians or instructors. 
Contributor: Tessa Withorn
A step-by-step lesson plan for an activity that addresses three frameworks and produces an asset, the infographic, the student-creators can use again, if they wish. It alerts students to authoritative data from the U.S. Census bureau. It can be useful for a one-shot session in the IL101 classroom or a library workshop introduction to visual literacy and presentation of data.
Contributor: Stella Herzig
Resource Type(s): Lesson Plan
This video discusses classification systems, library organization schemas, and the power of naming using examples of queer identities and its history of misrepresentation.
Contributor: Tessa Withorn
Resource Type(s): Learning Object
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual
Toolkit for teaching all about peer review through a disciplinary and critical information literacy lens. Includes a video, discussion questions, three interactive tutorials for various disciplines, and assignment ideas.
Contributor: Tessa Withorn
