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This resource is a practitioner's reflection on how the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy can be matched to existing APA Guidelines for Psychology Undergraduate Majors. It attempts to match appropriate frames to specific student learning goals determined by both the American Psychological Association and Loyola Marymount University's Psychology department program objectives. There are two documents, one focused on APA and the other on LMU. Both lists ways the LMU library can help students meet the matching ACRL frames and APA/LMU learning objectives.
Resource Statistics
- (70.63 KB)852 downloads
- (56.1 KB)802 downloads
Resource Type(s)
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed
Type of Institution
License Assigned
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA
APA Guidelines for Undergraduate Psychology Major
LMU Psychology Learning Outcomes