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“Sunrise, Sunset”: A Reflection on Assessment and the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education

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This is a guest post at, published on January 27, 2015, in which I reflect on the relationship between the Framework and assessment of student learning in and through our information literacy programs, as well as how this relates to the eventual rescission of the Information Literacy Competency Standards (formally rescinded a year and a half later on June 25, 2016). Note that the timing of the post was about a week before the ACRL Board of Directors moved to 'file' the Framework (on February 2, 2015); a year later the Framework was formally adopted by the ACRL Board on January 11, 2016. Though the post is almost two years old (as of this writing), the ideas in it may prove valuable to those seeking to integrate the Framework into their local curricula through the cyclical program review process that all curricula undergo. 

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Special thank you to the editors of in January 2015 who invited me to write and publish this post on their site.