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Donna Witek

The University of Scranton

Donna Witek is Associate Professor and Information Literacy Coordinator in The University of Scranton's Weinberg Memorial Library. As Information Literacy Coordinator she develops collaborative relationships with course instructors and administrators in the service of the information literacy program and the campus curriculum, and leads in the library’s assessment of student learning. She also provides research services and support through information literacy instruction to members of the university community. She serves as librarian liaison to the Theology/Religious Studies, English & Theatre, Sociology/Criminal Justice, and Women's Studies departments.

She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama and English Literature from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, her Master of Library & Information Science from Long Island University’s Palmer School of Library & Information Science, and her Master of Arts in Theology from The University of Scranton.

Member for

8 years

Resources Contributed

College & Research Libraries News article about using the Framework to make sense of local curricula as they relate to information literacy goals and outcomes. Also discusses the Framework in light of "developmental outcomes," i.e., outcomes that are sequenced within a curriculum. 
This resource includes files and links for the conference paper and slides of the presentation Rhetorical Reinventions: Rethinking Research Processes and Information Practices to Deepen our Pedagogy, presented at LOEX 2016 by Donna Witek, Mary J. Snyder Broussard, and Joel M. Burkholder. Both the slides and the paper include a detailed bibliography of related resources. Presentation/Paper Abstract: The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy offers instruction librarians an opportunity to…
This is a guest post at, published on January 27, 2015, in which I reflect on the relationship between the Framework and assessment of student learning in and through our information literacy programs, as well as how this relates to the eventual rescission of the Information Literacy Competency Standards (formally rescinded a year and a half later on June 25, 2016). Note that the timing of the post was about a week before the ACRL Board of Directors moved to 'file' the Framework (on…
These are materials from a presentation I gave called Flexible Frames for Pedagogical Practice: Using the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education on May 28, 2015, at the Lehigh Valley Chapter of the Pennsylvania Library Association's 2015 Spring Conference. Materials include a blog post from my personal-professional blog, Information Constellation, that provides my slides, notes, reflection, and bibliography; a link to the slides on SlideShare; and the the…
This is a chart that maps The University of Scranton Weinberg Memorial Library's program-level information literacy student learning outcomes to the six frames in the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, last updated February 9, 2019.  Please use the updated files (filenames: WML IL PLOs-Framework Map 2019 02 07) shared below.  Materials are licensed CC-BY-NC.