AI Literacy at Lunchtime: Research Tools

This is an outline of the session "AI Literacy at Lunchtime: Research Tools," part of the TTUL's AI Literacy workshop series. This is a discussion based series that allows for critical examination of AI tools, generative tools, and their applications in research.

Session is meant to be approximately one hour. Our sessions are conducted in hybrid form (online through Zoom and in-person). These tools can offer ways to simplify workflows, look for connections between papers and researchers, and offer different perspectives that we might not usually see with regards to traditional literature searches of academic databases. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Differentiate which tools are considered AI tools for literature reviews 
  • Evaluate tools such as Research Rabbit, Connected Papers and Rayyan.  
  • Utilize tools like Semantic Scholar 


AI Literacy at Lunchtime Research Tools Outline.pdfDownloaded 115 times
Not Discipline Specific
License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial License CC-BY-NC
Other Attribution Information: 
Jenni Jacobs and Brian Quinn