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A toolkit with various instructional materials to teach media and news literacy. Includes an online activity "Fairness and Blanace" where students watch a short video on journalistic standards and answer discussion questions. Then, students can take one or both interactive tutorials on "Lateral Reading" with a focus on fact-checking and/or "Evaluating Information" based on an information need. Also includes a video on the "Anatomy of a News Website" with reflective questions and in-class assignment ideas for librarians or instructors.
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- (195.79 KB)583 downloads
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Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed
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License Assigned
CC Attribution-NonCommercial License CC-BY-NC
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8 years 3 monthsLinks
Media & News Literacy
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Created by Tessa Withorn, Carolyn Caffrey Gardner, Aric Haas, and Amalia Castañeda at the CSUDH Library.