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Texas Tech University
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Resources Contributed

This resource is an outline of a workshop TTU librarians conducted in April 2024. We used Padlet for discussion and wrap-up of series.Learning Objectives:Grasp the complexities of defining authorship and ownership of AI-created works. Understand the legal status of works created by artificial intelligence and the implications for creators and users. Learn about Creative Commons licenses and other licensing options for AI-generated works.
Resource is the outline and resources/news articles and research used for a workshop on AI ethics and possible uses and misuses of AI in social justice issues at Texas Tech University. This session was held in March 2024. As this topic evolves, so will resources used.Learning Objectives:Learn how to recognize and mitigate biases in AI algorithms and data and to evaluate and ensure fairness in AI systems, including demographic parity and equal opportunity.Understand the ethical issues surrounding data collection, storage, and usage in AI applications.Learn about ethical guidelines for AI...
This session was developed for the Texas Tech University community of faculty, staff, and all students who were interested in the topic from a critical standpoint. This was part 6 in an 8 part series which is discussion based. As such, this workshop may only touch on certain aspects of this technology that was not covered previously while focusing on visual literacy skills. Special attention was given to the ways in which this technology is being used in facial recognition softwares, and the work of Dr. Joy Buolamwini.Setup Padlet as appropriate using recent news coverage related to academics...
This is an outline of the session "AI Literacy at Lunchtime: Research Tools," part of the TTUL's AI Literacy workshop series. This is a discussion based series that allows for critical examination of AI tools, generative tools, and their applications in research.Session is meant to be approximately one hour. Our sessions are conducted in hybrid form (online through Zoom and in-person). These tools can offer ways to simplify workflows, look for connections between papers and researchers, and offer different perspectives that we might not usually see with regards to traditional literature...
This is an outline of a session created for the Texas Tech University for the AI Literacy at Lunchtime series, currently running during the spring 2024 semester. This session relies on a powerpoint presentation of Dr. Leo Lo's CLEAR framework and two Padlets:1. for sharing the prompts and generative outputs2. for the discussion questions listed.This session was approximately 1 hour long.This series is discussion based with undergraduates, graduates, faculty and staff participating in the session, but can be adapted.Learning Objectives for this session:Understand the basics of prompt...
Texas Tech University Library’s AI Literacy workshop series developed weekly for spring 2024. Included here are materials related to part 2. This resource can be used as a general starting point for evaluating generative AI.Additionally, the workshop utilizes Padlet to facilitate discussion for active learning. Sessions can be held online, in-person, or hybrid. These sessions are also for broad appeal, and included faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students in attendance. The Padlets for this session included an evaluative Jeopardy-like game where participants could rate...
Texas Tech University Library’s AI Literacy workshop series developed weekly for spring 2024. Included here are materials related to part 1. This resource can be used as a general starting point for introducing and understanding the technology. Additionally, the workshop utilizes Padlet to facilitate discussion for active learning in a hybrid setting. Sessions can be held online, in-person, or hybrid. These sessions are also for broad appeal, and included faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students in attendance.Learning objectives for this session included:Understand what...