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These materials accompany the book chapter “Using Facebook and Google digital marketing tools to engage with consumer data” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press. Worksheet can be used in class to accompany lesson plan from chapter.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Has Value
Contributor: Ben Richards
Resource Type(s): Worksheet
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These materials accompany the book chapter “Using Facebook and Google digital marketing tools to engage with consumer data” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press. Visual tutorial of how to euse Google Trends.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Has Value
Contributor: Ben Richards
Resource Type(s): Tutorial
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These materials accompany the book chapter “Using Facebook and Google digital marketing tools to engage with consumer data” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.Visual tutorial of how to enable and use Facebook Audience Insights,
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Has Value
Contributor: Ben Richards
Resource Type(s): Tutorial
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These materials accompany the book chapter “Let's Compare: Using a Recommendation Report to Teach Basic Business Research Skills” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
Contributor: Emily Mross
Resource Type(s): Worksheet
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These materials accompany the book chapter “Franchise Frenzy” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
Contributor: Emily Mross
Resource Type(s): Research Guide
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These materials accompany the book chapter “Franchise Frenzy” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
Contributor: Emily Mross
Resource Type(s): Worksheet
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The purpose of this activity is to help students identify the types of research questions that scholars in their field are investigating in preparation for developing their own research questions. As a class, students will review multiple scholarly articles related to a topic or question, identify the research question or questions, and then discuss the characteristics of research questions that are found in the field.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry, Scholarship as Conversation
Contributor: Jane Hammons
Resource Type(s): Activity
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In this assignment, students will consider how the format of the information product can impact what they are able to convey related to a topic and how their information may be received and valued. Students will investigate a topic or question and share their response in multiple formats. Formats could range from a more traditional research paper or poster to blogs, infographic, video, or even a series of Tweets. Students will be required to consider how the format(s) they have selected might impact what they can or should share and how their message may be received.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Creation as Process
Contributor: Jane Hammons
Resource Type(s): Activity
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This activity is intended to help students understand the types of sources that are most commonly cited in research in a specific discipline or field. Students will review the citations from multiple relevant journal articles to identify the types of sources that are often cited. They will also be encouraged to consider why certain types of sources may be more cited than others, and what may be missing by relying primarily on certain types of sources. In addition, students will get practice in identifying the appropriate citation format for different types of sources.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Creation as Process
Contributor: Jane Hammons
Resource Type(s): Activity
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These materials accompany the book chapter "Business Ethics and Intellectual Property: Barbie & Bratz” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.The document consists of 2 handouts that should be separated for the instruction. I've placed both a .docx and a .pdf version.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Has Value
Contributor: Hal Kirkwood
Resource Type(s): Learning Object, Other
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This assignment accompanies the book chapter, "Next Level Career Research: Helping Students Land Their Dream Jobs" from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by the ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Has Value, Searching as Strategic Exploration
Contributor: Laura Walesby
Resource Type(s): Worksheet
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These materials accompany the book chapter “A Tour of Public Use Market Research” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry, Searching as Strategic Exploration
Contributor: Carolyn Klotzbach-Russell
Resource Type(s): Slide Deck
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Ancillary materials for the chapter "Aligning Business IL with Startup Thinking: A series of open workshops" in Teaching Business Information Literacy, including a workshop assessment questionnaire and a student reflection document.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Has Value, Research as Inquiry
Contributor: Carey Toane
Resource Type(s): Assessment Material
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These materials accompany the book chapter “Hot Topics Trade Publications Connect Research with Career Ambitions” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration
Contributor: Lateka Grays
Resource Type(s): Learning Object, Tutorial
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These materials accompany the book chapter “Hot Topics Trade Publications Connect Research with Career Ambitions” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Information Creation as Process, Research as Inquiry
Contributor: Lateka Grays
Resource Type(s): Slide Deck
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These materials accompany the book chapter “Hot Topics Trade Publications Connect Research with Career Ambitions” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
Contributor: Lateka Grays
Resource Type(s): Learning Object
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These materials accompany the book chapter “Data Visualization: Visualizing Decisions” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
Contributor: Chelsea Barrett
Resource Type(s): Assignment Prompt
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These materials accompany the book chapter “Data Visualization: Visualizing Decisions” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
Contributor: Chelsea Barrett
Resource Type(s): Assignment Prompt
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These materials accompany the book chapter “Data Visualization: Visualizing Decisions” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
Contributor: Chelsea Barrett
Resource Type(s): Assignment Prompt
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These materials accompany the book chapter “Data Visualization: Visualizing Decisions” from Teaching Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
Contributor: Chelsea Barrett
Resource Type(s): Instruction Program Material
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These materials accompany the book chapter 27 “Thinking Outside the "Box": Conducting Supply Chain Procurement Research” from Business Information Literacy published by ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration
Contributor: Katharine Macy
Resource Type(s): Worksheet
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This Google Form can be used for you to track information about your instruction in one-shot and embedded information literacy sessions. Reflecting upon your current instruction is a critical step in becoming a more effective information literacy instructor. This form will allow you to track class information (e.g. professor, number of students, date of instruction, length of instruction), general feedback on the session (e.g. what worked well, what could have gone better), lesson planning details (e.g. which ACRL Frames were incorporated, what tools were used for assessment, when assessment was implemented), and findings from your assessment. You can generate a Google Sheet to view all your entries, returning to past entries and reflections when you teach similar content or classes in the future to remember what aspects worked well and what you might want to change to have a more successful session.To use this form, create a copy to your Google Drive, which will allow you to tweak, add, or remove questions so that you can tailor the form for your own reflections on your teaching practice.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Framework as a Whole
Contributor: Alicia G. Vaandering
Resource Type(s): Practitioner Reflection
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These are the slides for the learning activity in the book chapter, "Teaching Undergraduates to Collate and Evaluate News Sources with Altmetrics" from the book Teaching About Fake News: Lesson Plans for Different Disciplines and Audiences. These slides include goals, definitions of original research, the scholarly conversation, altmetrics; and an in-class activity.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry, Scholarship as Conversation
Contributor: Rachel Miles
Resource Type(s): Activity, Slide Deck
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The purpose of this activity is to recognize how a quote can be taken out of context in subtle (and overt) ways. The goal is to locate a quote within a news article and trace it through multiple layers of context to discover how journalists’ interpretations of quotes impact our understanding of actual events and news.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Creation as Process, Information Has Value
Contributor: Elizabeth Kamper
Resource Type(s): Activity
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Powerpoint to accompany social media influencer/business information literacy activity, exploring roles and responsibilities of consumers and content creators, debates regarding influencer marketing tactics and misleading advertisements, and ways to distinguish sponsored content. Created by Mia Wells and Laureen Cantwell. Accompanies chapter "Bad Influence: Disinformation and Ethical Considerations of Influencer Marketing Campaigns on Social Media Platforms," from the book Teaching About Fake News: Lesson Plans for Different Disciplines and Audiences (Eds.: Benjes-Small, C. M., Wittig, C., & Oberlies, M. K.; 2021; ACRL).
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Creation as Process, Scholarship as Conversation
Contributor: Laureen Cantwell-Jurkovic
Resource Type(s): Activity, Instruction Program Material