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This is an outline of a session created for the Texas Tech University for the AI Literacy at Lunchtime series, currently running during the spring 2024 semester. This session relies on a powerpoint presentation of Dr. Leo Lo's CLEAR framework and two Padlets:
- 1. for sharing the prompts and generative outputs
- 2. for the discussion questions listed.
This session was approximately 1 hour long.
This series is discussion based with undergraduates, graduates, faculty and staff participating in the session, but can be adapted.
Learning Objectives for this session:
- Understand the basics of prompt engineering.
- Create their own prompts for generative AI chatbots like Gemini or ChatGPT.
- Create their own prompts for AI image generators like Midjourney, DALL-E or Hotpot
- Understand the biases inherent in this technology
Resource Statistics
- (42.11 KB)172 downloads
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Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed
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CC Attribution-NoDerivs License CC-BY-ND
AI Literacy at Lunchtime Workshops Guide
Other Attribution Information
Jenni Jacobs and Brian Quinn