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#Artificial Intelligence #ChatGPT #DALL-E #Information Literacy #Visual Literacy

Harnessing Pandora's Box: At the Intersection of Information Literacy and AI

A group of four librarians from varied disciplinary backgrounds came together to examine issues of artificial intelligence and large language models. We are of the opinion that Pandora's box has been opened. Students will use ChatGPT, so it is important that we engage our students to promote a deeper learning and awareness of this technology and its limitations. As a result, we participated in a semester-long ChatGPT workshop sponsored by our institution's writing center. We explored various aspects of generative pre-trained transformers (GPTs), particularly where it intersects with information literacy, visual literacy, digital literacy, and privacy literacy. We created learning activities closely tied to learning outcomes derived from the Association of College and Research Libraries’ (ACRL) Information Literacy Framework and ACRL's Framework for Visual Literacy in Higher Education. Each centers on a frame and contains an overview of the information or visual literacy issue as it relates to ChatGPT or AI tools. We designed each with customizations appropriate for the different approaches taken in humanities, social sciences, and science courses.
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