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University of North Texas Libraries' Library Literacy Escape Room Student Learning Outcomes as tied to ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education and ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education.Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) created in planning stages of the UNT Libraries Escape the Library escape room created for UNT First Flight (freshman orientation).  
Contributor: Greg Hardin
Resource Type(s): Learning Outcomes List
This exercise offers students a list of curated links that they will use to complete an assigned project on green roofs.  Students must evaluate, summarize, annotate, cite, and synthezize the materials in a completed document containing an ultimate recommendation for a course of action. Requires EBSCO access.
Contributor: Todd Heldt
Resource Type(s): Assignment Prompt
The Evidenced-Based Practice lesson is mapped to the Research as Inquiry Frame and addresses how to match a clinical question to types of research evidence.
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
This document includes SLOs with performance indicators. After each indicator is a rubric to explain what would be considered excellent, acceptable, developing, or confused work for each indicator. It can be used for a course or program.
Contributor: Smita Avasthi
Resource Type(s): Learning Outcomes List, Rubric
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Framework as a Whole
This rubric is based upon a set of learning outcomes for an information literacy course. Each outcome includes specific performance indicators. The rubric has 4 categories for evaluation: excellent, acceptable, developing, and confused. This rubric could also be used on the program level.
Contributor: Smita Avasthi
Resource Type(s): Rubric
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Framework as a Whole
This is a map to the current course outline for a 1-unit information literacy class to a proposed course outline that embeds all of the frames.
Contributor: Smita Avasthi
Resource Type(s): Curriculum Map
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Framework as a Whole
Tags: SLOs
This is a draft of the revised course outline for a one-unit information literacy course. Due to our curriculum process, it includes broad outcomes followed by more specific performance indicators. There is also the "Topics and Scope" which specifies content more explicitly. It could also be used at the program level.
Contributor: Smita Avasthi
Resource Type(s): Learning Outcomes List
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Framework as a Whole
Tags: SLOs
This program targets students who have been identified as individuals who would benefit from enrichment and academic and social preparation for success in a university setting. The library offers a six-week, one-credit course through the Africana Studies and Latino Studies programs entitled “Research Strategies”. This course introduces students to skills needed to successfully perform academic research in a university library, focusing primarily on the ACRL Frames regarding authority, value, inquiry and strategic exploration of information
Contributor: Tony Cosgrave
Need to add an active learning exercise in your info lit workshop? Consider designing an escape room where students work in teams and compete against other while self-teaching how to conduct research. 
Contributor: Ray Pun
Resource Type(s): Activity
Four short screencasts under 90 seconds about the role of metacognition in information literacy instruction.
Contributor: Susan Ariew
Resource Type(s): Learning Object
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry
