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meldelcast's picture
Florida International University
I am the Virtual Learning & Outreach Librarian at Florida International University Libraries. I liaise with the Art, Architecture, and online faculty & students. My current position has me coordinating FIU Libraries' virtual chat reference, creating learning objects & LibGuides, and teaching library instruction. I received a Bachelor of Arts in Art History from the University of South Florida and a Master of Library and Information Science from Florida State University (with a concentration in Information Leadership). My interests include visual literacy, threshold concepts, information literacy instruction, active learning pedagogy, embedded librarianship, and distance learning.
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This handout provides a crosswalk between the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education and the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education.  Librarians using this handout are prompted to describe their past instruction and service experiences that are related to each frame for the purposes of sparking ideas for programming and learning activities related to the Framework. The handout is designed to ease the transition from using the Standards to embracing the Framework in instruction and programming.  The FIU Information Litearcy Framework combines...