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Lauren deLaubell

Information Literacy/Instruction Coordinator
SUNY Cortland
Portrait of Lauren deLaubell

Lauren deLaubell is the Information Literacy/Instruction Coordinator at SUNY Cortland Memorial Library. She was awarded the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship in 2018. She received her MS in Information Science from the University at Albany in 2011, and her research interests include information literacy instruction, assessment, and gamification.

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Resources Contributed

The most powerful wizards have gathered to battle one another.  Only one will win.  Wizards must use reliable sources to research incantations for the battle, or their spells will fizzle.  Truly wise wizards must learn to tell the difference.  Research Wizards is an information literacy card game designed to teach students ages 12+ about source evaluation.  Research Wizards corresponds to the Frame Authority Is Constructed and Contextual, from the â€¦