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Donovan Reinwald

University of Connecticut

Member for

6 years 8 months

Resources Contributed

Developed for the University of Connecticut's "Research Now!" online curriculum. This worksheet is designed as a tool for students to assess their sources, and re-evaluate their research focus.
Developed for the University of Connecticut's "Research Now!" online curriculum. This worksheet is a tool for students to take notes about the sources they find. Based in Carol Kuhlthau's Information Search Process.
Developed for the University of Connecticut's "Research Now!" online curriculum. This worksheet is designed as a tool to narrow a student's topic in order to write a refined research question.
Developed for the University of Connecticut's "Research Now!" online curriculum. This activity is designed to provoke critical thinking about information sources throughout the research process. Students begin by recalling any prior knowledge of the subject, then consider what they would like to learn about it during their research. The activity then prompts them to consider how they will find information on their topic, and finally to describe what they have learned about it having…
Developed for the University of Connecticut's "Research Now!" online curriculum. This worksheet is designed to work as a "Think, Pair, Share" exercise. Students begin by writing their research question, break their research question into concepts, come up with keywords, and brainstorm with a peer.
Developed for the University of Connecticut's "Research Now!" online curriculum. This research log is designed as a general-level tool for any class with a research component, and to be modified for specific classes.