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Brea Henson

University of North 3

Member for

5 years 7 months

Resources Contributed

Presentation for the September 2017 Library Learning Services Retreat. This presentation was developed as part of the Information Fluency Initiative in the 2015-2018 UNT Libraries Strategic Plan and examines of core concepts of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education frame "Authority is Constructed and Contextual."
Presentation for the September 2017 Subject Liaisons meeting. This presentation was developed as part of the Information Fluency Initiative in the 2015-2018 UNT Libraries Strategic Plan and contains strategies for adapting the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education frame "Authority is Constructed and Contextual" for library instruction and contains an examining of its core concepts.
This document provides directions and information needed to complete a curriculum map for the Political Science Department at the University of North Texas. Other subject librarians may use this document to guide their own curriculum mapping projects.
As part of the Information Literacy Initiative at the University of North Texas, a team of librarians conducted a curriculum mapping project to improve UNT students’ critical thinking and ability to use information effectively. Their project aimed to help enhance core library services with high-impact practices. They mapped student learning outcomes to know which core courses addressed components of the AAC&U Information…