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Une feuille d'autoévaluation pour suivre les apprentissages en compétences informationnelles acquises sur le moyen ou le long terme. Elle est ludifiée avec des éléments de mesure de soi, de badge et d'identité de jeune chercheur.A scholarly character sheet for self-assessment about information literacy skills - gamification around quantified self, badging and young researcher identity.
Contributor: Pascal Martinolli
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Framework as a Whole
Tags: WILU2018
A Star Wars themed look at the Authority is Constructed and Contextual frame, originally used for a staff training event. 
Contributor: Amanda Ziegler
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual
A visual guide that explains where to find energy and sustainability information.
Contributor: Grace Liu
Resource Type(s): Research Guide
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration
A visual research guide that is designed to help students with a small business research project.
Contributor: Grace Liu
Resource Type(s): Research Guide
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration
A visual research guide that is designed to help students with a legal issue research project.
Contributor: Grace Liu
Resource Type(s): Research Guide
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Searching as Strategic Exploration
The purpose of this activity is to inspire students to adopt structured methods when they explore and retrieve information. It is based on lab notebooking methods and on managing and documenting the flow of references in Zotero, a reference management software.The first principle is based on a tree of collections to manage the references arriving in the Zotero library. Some basic methods are suggested and the students are invited to create their own. The second principle is based on standalone notes to document all the research process through online database, libraries and experts.
Contributor: Pascal Martinolli
Resource Type(s): Learning Object
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Research as Inquiry, Searching as Strategic Exploration
This template gives space to outline an Information Literacy session, allowing a department to create a more cohesive program, or a single librarian to maintain an organized sense of their own sessions.This single page template gives space for teaching and learning activities, applying a frame, tools used for the session, assesment techniques used, time taken, as well as assigning it to a course and instructor.
Contributor: Hanna Primeau
In this activity, students think metacognitively as they search to work out strategies for navigating the search process.  In the process, they use Google Docs to collaboratively produce a Search Tips sheet which the whole class can refer back to.  
Contributor: Heather Beirne
Resource Type(s): Activity, Lesson Plan, Worksheet
An explanation of different kinds of authority that students might recognize in a piece of information accompanied by a list of articles about global warming that appeal to, invoke, or otherwise discuss these authorities.  Students should skim one or more of the articles, answer some questions about them, and discuss their ideas with their peers.
Contributor: Todd Heldt
Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed: Authority is Constructed and Contextual
Paper discussing a proposal for an information fluency initiative at the University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries.
Contributor: Greg Hardin
Resource Type(s): Publication, White Paper, Other
