Communication Studies

Topic Development

In this module, we will discuss the challenges in selecting a topic and how to overcome that obstacle so that you can enjoy the work that you are doing and feel more confident in your writing!  

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Type of Institution:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License CC-BY-NC-ND

Twitter Tag

The goal of this in-class activity is to help students relate database searching to something they already have familiarity with. This is interdisciplinary and could be adapted for any subject or database. Students will explore a timely topic on Twitter using a hashtag and note bias, tone, authority, and related hashtags before conducting a similar search on a library database or discovery tool. Students and instructors then discuss similarities and differences between both searches and their results. 

Resource Type(s):

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution License CC-BY


An open access MOOC in French to bonify the information literacy skills of university students (with Moodle).

Type of Institution:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution License CC-BY


Critical Information Literacy Lesson Plan

The Critical Information Literacy Lesson Plan includes a lesson plan with a bibliography of assigned readings and discussion questions for students as well as presentation slides with main points from the lesson: definition of critical information literacy, evaluating information is a process, authority is constructed and contextual, how to evaluate information, and check the facts.

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Type of Institution:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License CC-BY-NC-SA

Cast Your Students as Scholars

This is a participatory, variable lesson frame ready for you to modify to suit your instruction needs. This lesson and it's variations focuses on encouraging students to see themselves as information creators and part of the scholarly conversation and can also variously include conversations about about the scholarly information cycle and/or authority depending on instruction constraints and configuration.Start with StudentScholarLessonPlan.pdf below.

Resource Type(s):

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution-NonCommercial License CC-BY-NC

Thinking about digital privacy, including the Rewards and Risks of Convenience

This is designed as a 75 minute lesson plan. It isn’t tied to specific course content, but can be tailored to a particular course and scaled to shorter or longer class sessions. It is designed as more of a theoretical, reflective introduction to concepts of privacy and security than as a nuts-and-bolts or tech heavy workshop, and it includes a debate activity entitled "The Rewards and Risks of Convenience." It could also be used as part 1 in a two-part workshop series in which the second focuses more on specific strategies/methods/software.

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

License Assigned: 
CC Attribution License CC-BY

Visual Literacy

This assignment has students analyzing data presented in graphs, charts and infographics that are pre-selected by librarian and instructor based on how poorly the information is being presented through various outlets.

Resource Type(s):

License Assigned: 
All Rights Reserved

News and Social Media

Evaluating a political news story presented in social media.
License Assigned: 
All Rights Reserved

General First year Communication Studies Library Research Assignment

After a brief overview of library resources in the context of Communication Studies (with an emphasis on different kinds of sources: blogs, books, multimedia), this document can be used to 1. Understand different database features 2. Finding specific kind of resources: scholarly, secondary, trade publications 3. Become comfortable translating selected resources into APA citations

Resource Type(s):

Information Literacy Frame(s) Addressed:

Communication Studies

Type of Institution:

License Assigned: 
All Rights Reserved
